Troubleshooting Information
If you hear beeps before your 30-minute treatment is complete,
there may be a problem with your device. Look at the LCD screen
for a picture. Table 1 below shows pictures that may appear on the
LCD screen and other common problems (left side of table). The
action to take for each picture or problem is on the right side of
the table.
Table 1. Display Messages
Display Picture
(Troubleshooting continues on page 13)
Action to be Taken
Magnetic Interference – announced by three
beeps. The "X" will flash.
1. If the device looks damaged, call Customer
2. If not, try moving to another location in your
house. Make sure you are not near metal
3. If the picture is still displayed, replace the
batteries with new ones.
4. If the device still shows the picture, call
Customer Care.
Replace Battery – announced by three beeps.
Replace the battery with a new one.
Phone For Help – announced by three beeps. Call
Customer Care.