4 Fill in the fields to create the outbound
• Name - Give this rule a meaningful
name, for example "PSTN" if this out-
bound rule is a PSTN connection.
• Description - this field is optional.
• Max. Call Time - leave this field blank to
not set any time limits on outgoing calls
via this connection.
• Specify which external connection(s) this
outbound rule should use and their prior-
ity. Highlight a connection in the Channel
Pool column and click the right arrow
icon to move it to the Selected Channel column. Highlight a connection in the Selected
Channel column and click the up (or down) arrow icon to promote (or lower) its priority.
5 Setup the number you dial to use this
external link.
• Dial Condition - Enter a number fol-
lowed by a period. For example, enter
0., if you want users to dial a zero to
use this external link. Any number that
begins with a zero will use this external
link to make a call.
Note: A period (.) is a wild card entry.
• Number Test - Enter a number and
click => to see if the number matches
the dial condition. An
the field if a test is successful and an
appears if the test fails (the number dialed does not match this rule).
• Dialed Number - These fields specify any manipulation to apply to the dialed number
before it is routed to the external line.
• Offset - specify how many initial digits the X6004 should strip off the beginning of
the number.
• Length - specify whether the number dialed should be limited in length. If you set a
limit, the X6004 cuts off the numbers which extend beyond the limit.
• Prefix - specify a number to add at the beginning of the dialed number.
• Postfix - specify a number to add at the end of the dialed number.
appears after