General Operation
MP4 Playback
PHOTO Playback
Touch to access desired function.
1. Display source menu
2. Back to upper folder
3. Track up/down
4. Display playback info
5. Stop
6. Track and ID3 display
7. Track skip/seek
8. VIDEO/MP3/PHOTO select
9. Track Select/Folder select
10. Display select menu EQ A/V
11. Repeat play
12. Random play
13. Play/Pause
Touch the center of the screen, then control icons
Touch the icon to access desired function.
1. Display source menu.
2. Stop.
3. Track skip/seek.
4. Display select menu.
5. Play/Pause
Hidden Touch:
Touch directly the position of the icon to access
Touch the center of the screen, then control icons
Touch the icon to access desired function.
1. Display source menu.
2. Rotate clockwise/counterclockwise
3. Stop.
4. Skip back/forward
5. Display select menu
6. Play/Pause
Hidden Touch:
Touch directly the position of the icon to access