Assembly Instructions
Step 1
- Place rails on a flat surface.
- Slide one 5/16 carriage bolt (item 3) on each rail and attach the end
bracket (item 19), making sure it is flush with the end of the rail.
- Secure each bolt using a washer and 5/16 coupling nut (item 9).
Step 2
- Slide one 5/16 carriage bolt (item 3) to the centre of each rail.
- Slide one 5/16 carriage bolt (item 3) on each end of the on-off guide bar
(item 13) and line up either end to the bolts positioned on the rail.
- Attach the tie bar (item 11) and secure the side closet to you using two
washers and two 5/16 coupling nuts (item 9).
- On the other side, place the handle bar (item 18) and secure with two
5/16 coupling nuts (item 9).
Step 3
- Slide one 5/16 carriage bolt (item 3) on each rail and attach the second
end bracket (item 19).
- Secure each bolt using a washer and 5/16 coupling nut (item 9). Tighten
to finger tight only.
Step 4
- Slide the handle rod (item 15) through the large holes on each end
bracket (item 19) and secure with 10-32 nut and bolt. Tighten to finger
tight only on nose end.
Step 5
- Insert two 5/16 hex bolts (item 5) through washers and through the
nose end clamp bracket (item 14) from the bottom.
- Slide bolts through the nose guard (item 8) and then through the nose
end adjusting post (item 16) and tighten in the welded on nuts.
- Leave loose so guide bar can fit through.
- Attach nose end adjusting post assembly to end bracket (item 19) using
5/16 U-clamp (item 1) and post clamp (item 2).
- Secure with washers & 5/16 coupling nuts (item 9).
Step 6
- Insert two 5/16 hex bolts (item 5) through washers and through the
thrust end clamp bracket (item 7) from the bottom.
- Slide bolts through the thrust end adjustable post (item 6) and tighten in
the welded on nuts.
- Leave loose so guide bar can fit through.
- Attach thrust end adjusting post assembly to end bracket (item 19)
using 5/16 U-clamp (item 1) and post clamp (item 2).
- Secure with washers & 5/16 coupling nuts (item 9).
Check that all nuts and bolts are tight after
completing Step 6