Use voice commands for hands-free operation of features.
Loudly say a command to perform an action.
To ...
Turn on the radio
Turn off the radio
Skip to the next pre-set radio station
Skip to the previous pre-set radio station
Turn on music
Turn off music
Play the next music track
Play the previous music track
Raise volume
Lower volume
Mute audio
Unmute audio
Call the default number (configurable)
Redial the last number
Answer an incoming call
Ignore an incoming call
Access Siri (iOS device)
Access Google (Android device)
Check the battery status
Initiate an emergency call
Initiate private chat
Terminate private chat
Current channel number
To listen to all available commands
Reset unit
If your Sordin SHARE stops responding you can do a soft reset or reset to factory settings.
• To do a soft reset, turn the hearing protector off and then on again or connect the charger cable for
30 seconds.
• To reset to factory settings, press and hold the multifunction [ ] button (Fig.11.3), Intercom [ ]
button (Fig.11.4) and Volume up [ ] button (Fig.11.1) for 2 seconds.
NOTICE! Reset to factory settings deletes all paired units, devices and all configuration settings.
Say ...
"Hey Sordin, radio on"
"Hey Sordin, radio off"
"Hey Sordin, next station"
"Hey Sordin, previous station"
"Hey Sordin, music on"
"Hey Sordin, music off"
"Hey Sordin, next track"
"Hey Sordin, previous track"
"Hey Sordin, volume up"
"Hey Sordin, volume down"
"Hey Sordin, mute audio"
"Hey Sordin, unmute audio"
"Hey Sordin, speed dial"
"Hey Sordin, redial number"
"Hey Siri"
"OK Google"
"Hey Sordin, battery status"
"Hey Sordin, emergency"
"Hey Sordin, private chat on""
"Hey Sordin, private chat off"
"Hey Sordin, what is my channel?"
"Hey Sordin, command list"