Using the Diva Assistant
General Tab
Tools Tab
The Diva Assistant program
group is installed on your
'Start' menu.
Reports the
status of the
front indicator
Click 'Refresh' to fetch
the latest information
on your device.
Starts the web-based
configuration interface
using your default
Lets you upgrade the
device firmware.
Click here to launch
the online help.
Click 'Close' to close the Diva Assistant and
remove the icon from the system tray.
Performance Tab
Diagnostic Log Tab
Right click this icon to activate
this menu. Double-click the icon
to open the Diva Assistant.
This tab displays
information about
incoming and outgoing
bandwidth usage.
You can drag the
performance windows
onto the desktop.
The Diagnostic Log
displays the
messages sent by
the device.
Double-click on an
entry to see
information on a
particular entry. (Not
all entries have
equivalent help files.)