3.1.4 Note button
The 64 pads have dual modes: trigger pads mode
and key note mode. Press the note button to start
the note mode of the 64 pads. Then press the +/-
button to increase or decrease the current note by
3.1.5 Octave button
Pushing the Octave button will transpose the
keyboard by as much as four octaves up or down.
The further from the center note of the keyboard,
the faster the buttons will flash.
Press the Octave button to start the Octave
function. Then use the +/- button to adjust the
octave from 0 to 4. To reset, press the DATA +/-
buttons at the same time.
3.1.6 A. Touch button
Press the A.touch button to start the channel
aftertouch and keyboard aftertouch functions.
Channel aftertouch is activated when the LED on
the A.touch button is red. Keyboard aftertouch
is activated when the LED is blue. When channel
aftertouch is on, the system sends channel
aftertouch data when you press the pads. When
keyboard aftertouch is on, the system sends
keyboard aftertouch data when you press the pads.
3.1.7 Channel button
Select the current MIDI channel. Press the
Channel button, then use the +/- button to select
the MIDI channel from 1 to 16. The default setting
is MIDI channel 1.
3.1.8 Velocity button
Every time you press a key, a MIDI note message
is sent with a velocity value between 0 and 127.
This value describes how hard you pressed the key.
Since different people have different playing styles,
the CONTROLPAD64 offers a number of different
velocity sensitivity curves. You should experiment
with the different velocity curves to find the setting
that best suits your playing style.
Press the velocity button to start the velocity
selection function. The medium (or normal)
velocity is selected when the velocity button is
green, heavy velocity when it's red, and blue for
constant velocity.