Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B175AAG
February, 2012
2-8-3 Calibrating the Cylinder Scale Amplifier
The GCS405 cylinder scale is factory calibrated. However, if field adjustment
is needed, follow the steps below.
Exceeding the scale's capacity changes its calibration and may cause
permanent damage.
NOTE The GCS405 Cylinder Scale is NOT field serviceable. Should the scale
require repair, it must be returned to the factory for service.
1. Connect the power source and allow a few minutes for the amplifier to
2. With no load on the scale's platform, adjust the zero potentiometer to
obtain 0.000 DC on either lead.
3. Place a load on the scale that weighs ± 0.1% of the scale's full capacity,
and adjust the span potentiometer to obtain 5.000 DC.
4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as necessary to achieve a stable output at both
ends of the cylinder scale (zero and full scale).
Section 2 Installation
GCS404/GCS405 Series