Your computer will recognise the amplifi er as an external storage device with 6 audio fi les (messages) stored.
Replace the original fi les with those you wish to use following the instructions below:
The storage order of the message depends on the order in which they have been stored. For this reason it is
recommended that ALL fi les are modifi ed at the same time and are given a name that is easily recognizable.
It is possible to maintain the original name "00001_ID-1", "00002_ID-2", etc or change it for a different one,
for example "Message1.mp3", "Message2.mp3", etc. In this way, it is possible to assign the order of your
choice to each message.
Mp3 or WAV audio fi les can be used.
The total size of the memory is 16 Mb. The sum of all the fi les stored must not exceed this capacity.
NOTE: even if you only wish to modify one or several messages, they must ALL be stored simultaneously.
To do so, copy the fi les to your computer, make the necessary modifi cations and then copy ALL the fi les
with the chosen name.
NOTE: if more than 6 fi les are stored, the system operating will be unstable.
Microphone with 6 zone selector.
Remote playback of 6 messages.
Internal memory to store messages and chimes.
Aux input.
For the multizone amplifi er mod. MPZ-6480RGU.
Electret condenser with gooseneck
1 balanced mic.
1 paging microphone, RJ-45
1 aux, 2 x RCA
1 paging mic., RJ-45
1 PC connection, USB B
RJ-45 cable, distance over 100 m
15 V DC, 0.8 A with adapter included, power supply through the amplifi er or
local power supply
Microphone with gooseneck: 485 mm height
Base: 220 x 55 x 160 mm depth
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