□ The inversion of polarity signal will not operate because you are
connected 2 x to the mass and you are not in inversion of polarity.
B. By connecting the clamps on the positive and negative terminal of the 2
batteries which are connected together in the vehicle 24V.
□ This will result in the Booster fuse of the batteries to blow in less than
one second.
4. Never disconnect the Booster while engine running when there is no battery in the vehicle or
when the vehicles battery is at 0 volt.
□ This may cause failure to the diodes of the alternator.
5. Never connect the Booster on a vehicle 24V when it is in position 12V.
□ Forming of hydrogen and explosion risk.
4.3. Remark
If someone else uses the Booster, ensure they are well informed on how to use it safely, and have
read and understood the operating instructions. The longevity of the Booster depends on it.
To ensure long life and optimize the use of the Booster batteries, you must put the Booster on
continuous charge after each use using the automatic charger provided
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