Air Filtration Process (Fig. 1)
Air enters through the front cover (A) on the Air Purifi er. The pre-fi lter (B) removes
large, lint-like particles. The second fi lter (C) provides true HEPA fi ltration,
effectively removing particles as small as 0.009 micron in size. The Odor fi lter (D)
reduces objectionable smells, such as tobacco, pet, and cooking odors. Filtered air
is discharged upward through the grill in the back of the housing (E).
Performance Features
• Effectively removes particles as small as 0.009 micron in size.
• Effectively reduces unpleasant odors, such as from cigarette smoke, cooking,
and pets.
• CADR certifi ed by the U.S. Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM)
for the reduction of airborne tobacco smoke, dust, and pollen at air fl ow volumes
up to 250 cubic feet per minute (7.1 m
• Rated for use in a single room up to 390 square feet in size (36m
• Reduces airborne bacteria, mold, viruses, fungi, asbestos, dust mites and their
by-products, and radon decay products.
• High energy effi ciency with low power consumption. Meets or exceeds U.S. EPA's
standards for energy effi ciency.
Operating Features
• Air purifi er has four operating modes – two continuous
and two timed – to let you choose the precise operation
you need.
• Auto Mode uses a built-in Particle Sensor that sets
fan speed based on concentration of smoke, dust,
and pollen particles in the room.
• Timer has 12-, 8-, 4-, 2-, and ½-hour settings.
• Fan has fi ve speeds: 1 (low) through 5 (turbo).
• 30-minute turbo burst can be activated by press-
ing a single button.
• Built-in monitors indicate when each fi lter needs
cleaning or replacing.
• Convenient, slim-profi le remote control included.
The ATMOSPHERE™ Air Purifi er is the fi rst air
purifi er certifi ed asthma & allergy friendly™
by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
and the Asthma Society of Canada in conjunction
with Allergy Standards LTD. Products carrying the
asthma & allergy friendly™ Certifi cation Mark
have been scientifi cally tested and proven more
suitable for people with asthma and related
allergic sensitivities.
Fig. 1