If there is no lubricating device connected in the air distribution, daily and before starting work, for better performance of the tool, add a
few drops of hydraulic oil on the inlet of the air adaptor (#53) of the tool in order to reduce the frictions of the tool parts since the oil will
be blown inside the tool when tool operates.
After certain period of use, the tool stroke might be reduced, it shows the hydraulic oil of the pneumatic tool is necessary to be refilled
or changed:
1) To remove the screw (#11) by hexagon wrench.
3) To screw the oil inject adaptor (on oil injector
set in the accessories pack) into the hole where
screw (#11) removed.
5) To test the tool stroke. If the stroke still not enough as it should be, it means there could be some air in
the oil cylinder (#13) when you refilling the oil to the tool. Then the extra air needs to be released from the
To connect the tool with air supply, to pull the tool trigger (#49) 6 or 7 times, then loosen the screw
(#11), let the extra air leaking out, then screw on the screw (#11) tight again.
2) To connect the air supply and to cover some cloth
over the hole where the screw (#11) removed, then to
pull the trigger (#49) and the oil will be leaked out from
the tool.
4) To use the oil injector (in the accessories pack) to
inject the oil slowly until not able to refill (approx. 15ml),
to remove the injector and its adaptor, then clean the oil
on the tool and tightly screw on the screw (#11) back to
the tool.