Preparation and initial operation
The plug-in rack of the Atago Griddle Plate is assembled from the three parts supplied. It then placed
on the Atago and the Griddle Plate put on top. The Atago Griddle Plate is factory-coated with food-
safe paraffin oil to guard against corrosion. Your Griddle Plate must however be seasoned before you
can use it. The first time the Atago Griddle Plate is heated up it will bulge. Due to the material, it is not
predictable whether it will bulge upwards turn over the Griddle Plate completetly so that the bulge
faces downwards. You can then seasin the Atago Griddle Plate as follows:
1. Apply a heat-resistant oil such as linseed oil, rapeseed oil or pumpkin seed oil to your Griddle Plate
to create a film. Spread the oil across the entire surface using a brush, for example. Place the Atago
Griddle Plate on your Atago in which you have lit a fire. Wait until the oil stops smoking.
2. After some time, your Griddle Plate will darken in places or over a large area and the typical patina
will form.
3. Remove the Griddle Plate from the Atago and allow the plate to cool slowly. Rinse the Griddle Plate
with hot water and carefully remove any residues. Then dry the plate thoroughly and re-oil it. In
addition to the oils mentioned above, we recommend using the Petromax Care Conditioner for Cast
and Wrought Iron for the seasoning process.
4. Perform the seasoning process two more times: Brush oil onhto the Atago Griddle Plate, wait until
the oil stops smoking, allow the plate to cool, wash it with water and carefully remove any residues.
5. The Petromax Atago Griddle Plate is now ready for use. After each use all you needto do is rinse
the plate with hot water or wipe it with kitchen paper. To guard against corrosion there should
always be a thin layer of oil/fat such as Petromax Care Conditioner. The seasoning process can be
repeated as often as needed.
Please note that your Atago Griddle Plate is not suitable for use with acidic foods such as
tomatoes, citrus fruits or red wine as they will damage the patina.
Use and adding fuel
It is easy to add fuel through the opening in the middle of the Atago Griddle Plate. Due to the low
height of the Atago logs may protrude over the edge. Please cut them to size before use. Of course, it
is also easy to add charcoal through the central opening, e. g. Petromax Cabix Plus. The ridge profile
of these briquettes makes combustionparticularly efficient. The fire will also burn for a long time. You
can even extinguish the Cabix Plus briquettes for reuse at another time.
Care and storage
Provided you look after your Atago Griddle Plate properly, it will last for generations. You should follow
a few important basic rules.
• Always heat up the greased plate and slowly so that the material has enough time to expand.