File operations: This button navigates to the
file operations page.
System info: This button displays the system
version and software information.
3) Profile Selection Screen:
Back button: Wherever you see the back
button it will take you to the previous
Active profile: This is the profile that is active
and is used when the espresso tap lever
is positioned to the Automatic brewing
position, indicated by the blue filled circle.
Inactive profile: This is a profile that has profile
information but is not active, indicated by
a purple/grey filled circle.
Empty profile: These are empty profile slots
and may not be used until profiling data is
entered. Empty profiles are indicated by a
non-filled circle.
Profile select: Pressing profile select will set
the current cursor selected profile to the
active profile.
Profile edit: Press the profile edit button to
edit the profile data for the current cursor
selected profile.
Cursor select: The dotted outline cursor select
indicates which profile is selected on screen.
You may use the rotary encoder or up/down
function of the joystick to navigate the
profiles list. Pressing the pushbutton will
activate a selected profile.
Tip: When selecting a profile, this menu is also
duplicated on the tap display. Depending
the installed distance between the module
and tap, it is possible to navigate the menu
from the tap screen and scroll through the
profiles using the encoder button. Pressing
the center encoder button selects the profile
highlighted on the tap. The center encoder
button also navigates to the profile selection
menu from the home screen.
4) Pressure profiling:
The pressure profiling capability of the
Modbar espresso system can be programmed
in "simple" or "advanced" modes, each of
which have their own settings screen. It is
important to understand the variables, their
definitions, and how they work together
to design successful profiles that provide
desirable extraction characteristics.
The system is quite extensive and is capable
of simulating almost any espresso machine
or pressure condition available on the
market today.
Study of the following reference guide will
allow you to successfully use the simple and
advanced programming menu interfaces
that follow:
5) Profile edit screen (simple):
6) Profile edit screen (advanced):