The V-shaped conveyor
technique allows you to
optimize the excavation
phase of shoveling.
As soon as the person
is uncovered, it is
important to turn their
transceiver off imme-
Statistically, shoveling takes at least as much time as the
ARVA search. It is important to take a methodic approach to
Search for the victim
by probing in concen-
tric spirals progressive-
ly away from the min-
imum distance point
Certain electronic devices as well as electrical and elec-
detected by your ARVA.
tromagnetic installations can significantly interfere with
Probe perpendicular to
transceiver signals.
the slope.
These sources are:
• carried: smart phone - analog radio - camera - heart rate
monitors - GPS - etc.
• permanent: relay towers - power lines / electrical generat-
ing equipment - ski lifts, etc.
In order to reduce the risk of signal deterioration, we rec-
ommend that you keep your transceiver as far as possible
from sources of electrical and electromagnetic activity.