The alternate method would be to send a WRITE SINGLE
REGISTER message (command 06) with the value 20+128 =
148 to register address 138.
Send a float with the value 0.25 to register address 148. (It's
BIG-ENDIAN hex representation is 0x3e800000).
4. Send a MASK WRITE REGISTER message (command 22 or
0x16) to register address 136 with the AND mask being set to
0xFFEF and the OR mask being 0x0010. This will start the
5. Send a MASK WRITE REGISTER message (command 22 or
0x16) to register address 5 with the AND mask being set to
0xFFFE and the OR mask being 0x0000. This will clear the
"Lock-out Updates" flag (bit 0) of the Instrument Control Flags
It should be noted that if any of these operations can be performed on
its own. For example, it is possible to only change the damping time by
writing to the lower 7 bits (b0 to b6) of the Damping register. Equally it
is possible to only change the damping mode by writing to bit 7 of
Damping register. Finally, it is possible to just update the Damping
Acceleration Threshold by changing only its value. In essence, values
in both the Damping register and the Damping Acceleration Threshold
are written, but if they haven't been changed, they will remain set as
they were before.
The DIAGNOSTICS command number is 08. Three DIAGNOSTICS
sub-commands are supported. As mentioned earlier, they are
subcommand 00, Return Query Data, subcommand 01, Restart
Communications and subcommand 04, Force Listen Only Mode.
Issue 1.1 March 2022
Page 31