Combination lock instructions
Your new Sentry
Gun Safe is equipped with a combination or electronic lock. Instructions for operation of each type of
lock appear on the following pages.
The combination for this safe has been randomly selected and appears on the back cover of this manual. It is important
that you keep this Owner's Manual in a secure place other than IN your safe; it is your reference for both the safe's
combination and Serial Number. Compare the Serial Number on the back cover with the number found on the lower right
side of the safe. If the numbers do not match, do not attempt to operate the combination and contact Sentry.
(Phone number below under "Questions?".)
For safes with 3-number
combination lock
NOTE: See the sticker on the back cover of this
manual for your combination.
Test first with door open!
Test your combination several times with the door open, to
make sure you have recorded it correctly. Your combination
is ready to use.
3-Number Combinations
1. Start with dial on zero.
2. Turn dial LEFT three turns
and stop at
3. Turn dial RIGHT stopping
second time on
4. Turn dial LEFT stopping first
time on
To Close and Lock
With the door closed, spin the combination dial several
For safes with UL Group 2
combination lock
NOTE: See the sticker on the back cover of this
manual for your combination.
IMPORTANT: The lock on this safe is in the open
position. DO NOT operate the combination
until first reading and understanding the
following instructions.
Lock Test
Test first with door open!
Test your new UL Listed combination lock several times
with the door wide open. First turn the dial to the right
until it stops at approximately 87, then turn the safe handle
clockwise until it stops. Open the door as far as it will go
and turn the safe handle counterclockwise until it stops
and the chrome locking bolts are extended. Carefully follow
the instructions below.
NOTE: The dial will not turn past zero unless the
bolts are in the locked position with the
handle vertical.
Accurate alignment of the lock with the opening index
(the vertical line at the top-center of the dial) is essential
for successfully operating your combination. Dial your
combination slowly and carefully to avoid passing the
desired numbers. Should you dial past the correct number,
the entire combination will need to be re-entered. To avoid
damaging the lock mechanism, never spin the dial back
and forth rapidly.
1. Start with dial on ZERO.
2. Turn the dial to the LEFT (counterclockwise).
Pass the first number of the combination three
times. Stop on the first number of the
combination the fourth time.
3. Change the direction you are dialing. Going
RIGHT (clockwise), pass the second number
of the combination two times and stop on
the second number the third time.
4. Change directions again. Turning LEFT
(counterclockwise), pass the third number of
the combination once and then continue around
in the same direction, stop on the third
number of the combination.
5. Change directions again, turning RIGHT
until the dial stops completely and
will not move.
6. Turn safe handle upward, to the left (clockwise)
and open the door.
To Close and Lock
With the door closed, turn the handle counterclockwise to
secure the locking bolts, then spin the combination dial to
the left at least four times to scramble the combination.
Lost combination
First, find your safe's Serial Number. The Serial Number
is printed on the small label on the right side of the safe
(outside). Send this and a check or money order for $8.00
(U.S. funds). Payment may also be made using your VISA or
Mastercard credit card. Please include a written statement
of ownership witnessed and signed by a notary public or
bank official. The notary must have a different last name
than the owner. Mail to: Sentry Group, Dept. 200,
882 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625-2784, USA.
Call Sentry Customer Service: 1-800-828-1438 or
585-381-4900 8 am – 9 pm E.S.T. , M–F.