Engine lacks power.
Engine surges or
Engine starts and shuts
off right away.
1. Generator is overloaded.
2. Dirty air filter.
3. Engine needs to be serviced.
4. Clogged spark arrestor.
1. Choke is opened too soon.
2. Carburetor is running too rich
or too lean.
1. COsense shut-off due to accu-
mulating carbon monoxide if a
red light blinks on the side
panel badge.
2. COsense shut-off due to a
system fault if a yellow light
blinks on the side panel
1. Reduce load (see
erator Limits
2. Clean or replace air filter.
3. Contact IASD.
4. Clean spark arrestor screen.
1. Set choke to halfway position
until engine runs smoothly.
2. Contact IASD.
1. Follow all safety instructions
and relocate generator to an
open area outside, far away
from windows, doors and
2. Start to confirm yellow light
blinks when/if generator shuts-
off. If COsense continues to
fault and shut-off, contact
Owner's Manual for Portable Generator
Know Gen-