13. Ovy App
The Ovy App is for iOS and Android
. With the Ovy App and connected basal thermometer
you can track your basal body temperature (BBT) and your reproductive system. Ovy helps
women who want to become pregnant and women who want to track their cycle naturally.
Download the Ovy App from the Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android
). The Ovy
App is a medical device class 1.
System requirements
iOS ≥ 10.0
≥ 5.0,
≥ 4.0
How does the Ovy App work?
The Ovy App predicts your menstrual cycle with the symptothermal method (NFP). Based on
your basal body temperature and other body signals, Ovy calculates the day of ovulation, the
fertile window and next period. For a reliable prediction of your menstural cycle, you need to
measure your waking temperature on a daily basis with the Ovy Bluetooth
basal thermome-
ter and transfer the data to your smartphone. Ideally you start with the tracking on the first
day of your new cylce, which is the first day of your next period. Otherwise you can start on
any day during your cycle. Add other daily body signals such as cervical mucus, the state of
your cervix, ovulation test results or your period, to name a few. The more data you track the