(Rev. 15/10/2013)
The connection to the existing smokestack has to fulfill the Italian UNI 10683 regulation. Piping with classification "O"
and minimum distance in millimeters xx is allowed provided that in case of soot fire all connecting piping will be fully
replaced in order to restore the original conditions. Please make sure only 3 direction changing of maximum 90° and
a 4 meters horizontal segment are allowed (check following examples).
Example with 2 bends 90°
Example with 3 bends 90° (maximum allowed)
The appareil can be connected to an existing smokestack only after carefully checking it. In case the smokestack
doesn't show the approved tag, a registered chimneysweeper has to certify it.
When connecting to non isolated smokestacks, draught problems can occur. It is however forbidden connecting the
stove to smokestack with a diameter bigger than 200 millimeters; if the case slot-in a 120 – 150 millimeter pipe up to
4 meters or a 150 – 180 millimeter one over 5 meters of smokestack height. Always follow the UNI 10683 regulation,
for all other countries, accordance with local and national regulations in force.