- Clean the dipstick from the oil with a cloth.
- Insert the rod and screw on the oil cap.
- Unscrew the plug again and check the mark left
by oil on the dipstick. The mark left by the oil must
be between the minimum and maximum marks.
- If the mark is below the minimum, add a little more
oil and recheck. If the mark is above the maximum,
you will have to remove oil from the crankcase. To
do this, tilt the machine and let out a little oil (put a
container at the end of the tube to prevent oil
spilling on the machine or the ground).
When it comes to starting a machine, the most
common problems are produced by a dirty spark plug
or one in poor condition. Clean and check the spark
plug regularly. Check that the electrode gap is correct
(0.6 - 0.7 mm).