Connect a Safe Lock to a Keypad
Once the keypad and lock are physically installed on the safe container, follow these steps to connect a safe
lock to a Keypad:
For single lock systems, do the following:
a. Connect the cable from the keypad into the ENT port. With the lock connected, apply power to
the system. If a Battery Box, Alarm Box or AC power adapter is being used, plug the cable from
any of those accessories into the safe lock BAT port
b. Follow the on-screen prompts for Display Keypads or consult the System User Guide (Document
#7040.1121) for non-Display Keypads to enter the lock settings and initialization
2. For multi-lock systems, do the following:
a. Connect the cable from the Keypad to the port on the side of the Multiplexer.
b. Connect the first safe lock (known as Lock #1 to the System) from the ENT port to the #1 input
on the Multiplexer
c. From Lock #1, connect from the BAT port to a power supply (either the AC Adapter into a wall
receptacle or to the BAT port of a Battery Box)
d. Repeat Step b for each additional safe lock, using inputs #2, #3, etc. on the Multiplexer.
e. Keypads with Display screens will display prompts to continue, while non-Display Keypads
require pound (#) commands. Consult the System User Guide (Document #7041.0320) for more
Figure 12
dormakaba USA Inc. | Safe Lock Installation Guide 7034.1121 Rev C 07/22