The programmer provides three different operating modes:
The MODE key is used to switch from one mode to another.
Operating mode
In manual mode it is possible to set the output in a per-
manent state. The time, the day of the week, the mes-
sage MAN and the indication of the relay status (ON/OFF)
are displayed on the VDU.
In automatic mode the device uses a program set by the
user, which can also be differentiated for each day of the
week. The time, the day of the week, the message AUTO
and the current relay status (ON/OFF) are displayed on
the VDU. The message AM or PM shows which fraction of
the day is displayed in the hourly profile.
The segment relative to the current time blinks in the
hourly profile with the representation of the status of the
output (high segment ON, low segment OFF).
In OFF mode the N.A. relay contact is kept constantly
open while the N.C. contact is closed.
The time, the day of the week and the message and
indication of the relay status (OFF) are displayed on the