Yarvik Tablet Manual
Please note that the name of the MicroSD card may differ. Other names like sd-ext or ext-sd may be used
by your device.
When you have inserted a USB drive via the USB host port/adapter, this drive will become available as (in
the above example) usb_storage.
The name for the USB drive may also differ.
Language & input
Use "Select language" to select the display language of your Yarvik Tablet. This applies to all the screen
texts in the entire system.
Under "Android keyboard" you may setup the onscreen keyboard of your Tablet.
Date & time
Here you can setup the date and the time for your Yarvik Tablet.
file:///Volumes/Product_Data/TAB10-410/Sent_artwork/Manual/internet/Yarvik/Manual/manual_en.html[26-07-13 11:28:45]
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