necessary under
the barbecue
The LPG cylinder may be connected inside the object-holder
compartment of barbecue only if it has the dimensions
shown in the guidelines. The safe use of a cylinder inside
the object-holder compartment of the barbecue depends on
several factors:
A) The base of the cylinder must be properly inserted
between the plates and be horizontal on the base panel.
Dimensionsof thecylinder
Max height 465 mm
Width 289 mm-(rectangular section) or 318 mm(circular
section) maximumB) Capacity of the cylinder max 6 kg
There are several models of cylinders with approved
dimensions (2).
MAX 1,5 mt
front of the compartment emoved for clarity
If the LPG cylinder purchased does not have the required
dimensions, do not attempt to connect it inside the object-
holder compartment. Fix the cylinder to the bracket or rest
it on the floor. Failure to follow these instructions could
damage the hose and cause fire or explosion, with serious
injury or death and property damage.
barrier only for the hose
cut a hole in the