Preventive Measures - LD Systems ROAD BUDDY 6 Manual De Usuario

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You've made the right choice!
We have designed this product to operate reliably over many years. LD Systems stands for this with its name and many years of experience as
a manufacturer of high-quality audio products. Please read this User's Manual carefully, so that you can begin making optimum use of your LD
Systems product quickly.
You can find more information about LD-SYSTEMS at our Internet site WWW.LD-SYSTEMS.COM
Sie haben die richtige Wahl getroffen!
Dieses Gerät wurde unter hohen Qualitätsanforderungen entwickelt und gefertigt, um viele Jahre einen reibungslosen Betrieb zu gewährleisten.
Dafür steht LD Systems mit seinem Namen und der langjährigen Erfahrung als Hersteller hochwertiger Audioprodukte. Bitte lesen Sie diese Bedie-
nungsanleitung sorgfältig, damit Sie Ihr neues Produkt von LD Systems schnell optimal einsetzen können.
Mehr Informationen zu LD SYSTEMS finden Sie auf unserer Internetseite WWW.LD-SYSTEMS.COM
Vous avez fait le bon choix!
Cet appareil a été développé et fabriqué en appliquant des exigences de qualité très élevées : il garantit des années de fonctionnement sans prob-
lème. Grâce à de nombreuses années d'expérience, LD Systems est un nom connu dans le domaine des produits audio haut de gamme. Veuillez lire
attentivement ce Manuel Utilisateur : vous apprendrez rapidement à utiliser votre appareil LD Systems de façon optimale.
Pour plus d'informations sur LD Systems, visitez notre site Web, WWW.LD-SYSTEMS.COM
¡Gracias por elegir LD-Systems!
Este equipo está diseñado y fabricado con los estándares de calidad más exigentes, para garantizar un correcto funcionamiento durante muchos
años. Los productos de LD-Systems se caracterizan por su gran calidad, avalada por el prestigio de la marca y una dilatada experiencia como fabri-
cante. Lea atentamente este manual de usuario para poder aprovechar rápidamente toda la funcionalidad de su nuevo producto de LD Systems.
Si desea obtener información sobre LD-SYSTEMS, visite nuestro sitio web WWW.LD-SYSTEMS.COM
Gratulujemy wyboru!
To urządzenie zostało zaprojektowane i wyprodukowane przy zastosowaniu najwyższych kryteriów jakościowych w celu zapewnienia wieloletniej
bezawaryjnej eksploatacji. Firma LD Systems gwarantuje to swoją marką i wieloletnim doświadczeniem w wytwarzaniu wysokiej jakości produktów
audio. Proszę starannie przeczytać niniejszą instrukcję obsługi, aby móc jak najszybciej zacząć użytkować ten produkt marki LD Systems.
Dalsze informacje na temat firmy LD SYSTEMS dostępne są na naszej stronie internetowej WWW.LD-SYSTEMS.COM
Avete fatto la scelta giusta!
Quest'apparecchio è stato sviluppato e prodotto secondo elevati standard qualitativi che garantiscono un funzionamento regolare per molti anni. Per questo
motivo LD Systems, con il suo nome e la pluriennale esperienza, rappresenta un'azienda produttrice di prodotti audio di qualità. Leggete attentamente
questo manuale d'uso per utilizzare al meglio il vostro nuovo prodotto LD Systems.
Per maggiori informazioni su LD SYSTEMS, consultate la nostra pagina web WWW.LD-SYSTEMS.COM


1. Please read these instructions carefully.
2. Keep all information and instructions in a safe place.
3. Follow the instructions.
4. Observe all safety warnings. Never remove safety warnings or other information from the equipment.
5. Use the equipment only in the intended manner and for the intended purpose.
6. Use only sufficiently stable and compatible stands and/or mounts (for fixed installations). Make certain that wall mounts are properly installed and secured.
Make certain that the equipment is installed securely and cannot fall down.
7. During installation, observ e the applicable safety regulations for your country.
8. Never install and operate the equipment near radiators, heat registers, ovens or other sources of heat. Make certain that the equipment is always installed
so that is cooled sufficiently and cannot overheat.
9. Never place sources of ignition, e.g., burning candles, on the equipment.
10. Ventilation slits must not be blocked.
11. Do not use this equipment in the immediate vicinity of water (does not apply to special outdoor equipment - in this case, observe the special
instructions noted below. Do not expose this equipment to flammable materials, fluids or gases. Avoid direct sunlight!
12. Make certain that dripping or splashed water cannot enter the equipment. Do not place containers filled with liquids, such as vases or drinking
vessels, on the equipment.
13. Make certain that objects cannot fall into the device.
14. Use this equipment only with the accessories recommended and intended by the manufacturer.
15. Do not open or modify this equipment.
16. After connecting the equipment, check all cables in order to prevent damage or accidents, e.g., due to tripping hazards.
17. During transport, make certain that the equipment cannot fall down and possibly cause property damage and personal injuries.
18. If your equipment is no longer functioning properly, if fluids or objects have gotten inside the equipment or if it has been damaged in anot her way,
switch it off immediately and unplug it from the mains outlet (if it is a powered device). This equipment may only be repaired by authorized, qualified
19. Clean the equipment using a dry cloth.
20. Comply with all applicable disposal laws in your country. During disposal of packaging, please separate plastic and paper/cardboard.
21. Plastic bags must be kept out of reach of children.


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