Temperature taking hints
It is important to know each individual's normal temperature when they are well. This is the
only way to accurately diagnose a fever. Take multiple readings when healthy to determine
normal temperature.
A child's normal temperature can be as high as 99.9 °F (37.7 °C) or as low as 97.0 °F (36.1 °C).
Be sure to note this unit reads 0.9 °F (0.5 °C) lower than a rectal digital measurement.
An individual must be inside for 30 minutes before taking a measurement.
Note: The thermometer and Individual should be in the same ambient temperature
for at least 10 minutes.
ALWAYS hold the thermometer and the forehead steady when taking a reading.
DO NOT move the thermometer until you hear the final beep.
Nursing mothers should not take a temperature measurement on themselves or have their
temperature measured by another individual while or immediately after nursing a baby,
as nursing can affect body temperature.
Individuals should not drink, eat, or be physically active before/while taking the
measurement. Remove hats and wait 10 minutes before taking a measurement.
Before taking a measurement, remove dirt or hair from the forehead area. Wait 10 minutes
after cleaning before taking a measurement.
ALWAYS take the temperature exactly as directed. Temperature results may vary if positioned
in the wrong location.
For individuals measuring their own temperature, it is recommended to use the "touch"
option instead of "no touch. "
In the following situations it is recommended that three temperatures in the same location
be taken and the highest one taken as the reading:
Newborn infants in the first 100 days.
Children under three years of age with a compromised immune system and for whom
the presence or absence of fever is critical.
When the user is learning how to use the thermometer for the first time until he/she has
familiarized himself/herself with the instrument and obtains consistent readings.
General precautions:
Remove any sweat prior to measuring with a dry cloth.
Avoid any cooling or warming cloths on the forehead for at least 30 minutes prior to
Remove blankets and pillows away from the head and face prior to measurement.
DO NOT take temperature measurements over scar tissue, open sores, or abrasions.
Keep the measurement sensor and lens clean. Avoid directly touching the sensor or lens.
ALWAYS store the thermometer with the protective cap in place to prevent dirt and
scratches from damaging the device.
Make sure to remove the protective cap before taking a measurement and to put the cap
back on after using the thermometer.