"Silent Night" was designed to be used during periods when the product is used less, for example, during the night.
When this mode is active, the product reduces the noise level to increase the comfort level on board, modulating cooling
based on energy availability.
- To activate the mode, press the
- The blue light next to the
- To disable this mode, press the
We do not recommend using Silent Night mode when the room temperature is above 32°C.
Silent Night mode disables itself automatically 10 hours after activation.
Silent Night mode may be activated simultaneously with the Smart function.
When this mode is active, the product continuously measures the amount of energy available, accumulating cold in foods
during the periods in which it is in abundance and reducing the energy consumption when it is limited.
- To activate the mode, press the
- The blue light next to the
- To disable this mode, press the
We do not recommend using Smart mode when the external temperature is below 20°C.
Smart mode may be activated simultaneously with the Silent Night function.
button indicates that Silent Night mode has been activated.
button indicates that Smart mode has been activated.
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