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Craftsman 37150 Manual De Las Instrucciones página 3


afe Operation Practices for Pedestrian-Controlled
Rotary Lawnmowers
IMPORTANT: This cotUngmachineIs capableof amputatinghandsand feat and throwing objects.
Failureto observethe following safety instructions couldresultIn seriousInjuryor death.
• Read the Instructions carefully. Be familiarwith the
controlsand the properuse of the equipment.
• Never allow children or people unfamiliarwith the
Instructions to use the lawnmower.Localregulatfens
may restrictthe age of the operator.
• Never mow whilepeople,sspaclally children,or pets
ere nearby.
• Keep In mindthatthe operatoror user Is responsible
for eccldenta or hazardsoccurringto otherpeople or
their property.
IL Preparation
• While mowing,alwayswear eubstantlal footwearand
long trousers. Do not operate the equipmentwhen
barefootor weadngopensandals.
• Thoroughlylnspect theareawhere the equipment isto
be usedand removeall objectswhichmay be thrown
by the machine.
• WARNING - PetrolIs highlytiammable.
- Storefuelin contalnera specifically designedforthis
- Refueloutdoorsonlyand do not smokewhile refu-
- AdOfuel beforestartingthe engine. Never remove
the capofthefuel tank oradd petrol w hile the engine
is runningor when the engineIs hot.
- If petrolisspilled, d o notattemptto startthe engine
butmovethe machineawayfrom theareaofspillage
and avoidcreating any sourceof Ignition untilpetrel
-Replace all fuel tanks and container caps se-
• Replacefaulty silencers.
• Before using,alwaysvisuallyInspectto see that the
blades,bladeboltsand cutterassemblyare notworn
or damaged. Replacewom or damaged bladesand
boltsIn sets to preservebalance.
• On multi-bladad machines,take care as rotatingone
bladecan cause otherblades to rotate.
III, Operation
• Do notoperatethe engineIn a confined spacewhere
dangerouscarbonmonoxidefumes can collect.
• Mow onlyIn daylight or In goodartificiallight.
• Avoid operatingthe equipment in wet grass, where
• Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting on slopes.
• Walk,never run
• Forwheeledrotarymachlnes,mow acrossthe face of
slopes,neverup and down.
• Exemisaextremecaution when changingdirection on
• Do not mowexcessively steepslopes
• Use extreme caution when reversingor pullingthe
lawnmower towardsyou.
• Stop the blade if the lawnmowarhas to be tiltedfur
transportation w hen crossing sudacesotherthangrass,
and when transporting the lawnmower toand fromthe
area to be mowed.
Neveroparatathelawnmower w ith defective guarda,or
withoutsafetydevices,for exampledeflectors and/or
grasscatchers, in place.
Do not changethe enginegovernorsettings or over-
speed the engine. Operatingthe engineat excessive
speed may increasethe hazard of personalinjury.
Disengageall blade and driveclutchesbeforestarting
the engine.
• Start the engine or switchon the motorcarefully ac-
cordingto instructions and with feet wall away from
the blade.
Do not tlit the lawnmower w hen startingthe engineor
switching on the motor, exceptif the lawnmowarhas
to be tiltedfor starting. In this case, do not tilt more
than absolutelynecessaryand liftonlythe part which
Isaway fromthe operator.
Do not startthe engine when standingin front of the
Do not put handsor feet near or under rotatingparts
Keep clear of the dischargeopeningat ell times.
Neverpickup or carry lawnmower while the engine Is
• Stop the engine and disconnect t he spark plugwire:
- beforecleaningblockages or unclogging chute;
- beforechecking,cleaningor workingon the lawn-
- afterstdklng a foreign object.Inspect t he lawnmower
for damage and make repairsbeforerestartingand
operating the lawnmower;
- Ifthelawnmower s tartsto vibrateabnormally (check
• Stop the engine:
- wheneveryou leavethe lawnmower;
- beforerefuelling.
Reducethe throttlesettingduring engine shutdown
and, ifthe engineisprovided witha shut-off v alve,turn
the fuel offat theconclusion of mowing.
• Go slowwhen usinga trailingseat.
IV. Maintenance
and Storage
• Keep all nuts,bolts and screwstightto be sure the
equipmentis in safe workingcondition.
Neverstoretheequipmentwith petrelinthetank inside
a buildingwhere fumesmay reach an open flame or
• Allowthe engineto coolbeforestoringin any enclo-
• To reducethe fire hazard,keep the engine,silencer,
batterycompartment and petrolstoragearea free of
grass,leaves,or excessivegrease.
Check the grass catcher frequently for wear or date-
• Replacewornor damagedparts for eafaty.
• If the fuel tank hasto be drained,thisshouldhe done

