| 2 | FCR CP1H |
Supplement to ESI[tronic] repair instructions with
version 06.2020 for common-rail high pressure
pumps CP1H
When using the ESI[tronic] repair instructions with
version 06.2020, heed the following information when
replacing the rod filter in conjunction with the new
press-in tools:
1. Before pulling the rod filter out, the installation
depth must be determined. To do this, measure X
dimension from the surface of the counterbore (1)
or from the upper edge of the bore (for the version
without counterbore) to the upper edge of the rod
filter (2) using a suitable measuring device.
The determined offset is required for installation of
the new rod filter.
An incorrect offset of the rod filter can damage the
2. Select the appropriate press-in tool for installing
the rod filter on the basis of the determined offset
in step 1. Observe the labeling on the press-in tool.
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3. Use the selected press-in tool (1) to force the new
rod filter previously inserted in the CP1H common
rail high-pressure pump (J29.9) into place with a
hammer until the press-in tool rests on the high-
pressure pump.
4. Then proceed with the repair as described in the
ESI[tronic] repair instructions with version 06.2020
for CP1H common-rail high pressure pumps.
The entire procedure is described in detail in the
ESI[tronic] repair instructions for common-rail high
pressure pumps CP1H from version 01.2022.
Robert Bosch GmbH