The most powerful profile is SHOP. All detectors are active in this mode,
including the permanent activation of "Motion in Picture" detection. This
profile offers the highest quality of permanent monitoring; consequently it is
the profile with the highest energy consumption.
This profile perfectly suited to places which require temporary monitoring,
such as shops, office corridors or reception areas, etc.
The default profile is HOME. To switch profile remotely, use your JabloTool account on
also use SMS command PROFILE (for details see chapter 4.3)
3.6 Detectors
The EYE-02 camera integrates a wide range of detectors. This sophisticated solution combines various types of
detectors to enable the user to protect the desired area from a wide range of threats. This chapter briefly describes
the individual principles for each detector to ensure they are correctly set.
Infrared motion detector (PIR)
The Infrared motion detector, or Human Body Detector, is the most common type of professional security system detec-
tors. PIR can detect even very small changes in temperature in front of the camera.
Example: Detecting persons by registering changes of temperature emited by human body.
Motion-In-Picture detector (MIP)
The key principle behind this detector comes from a professional surveillance camera system. It constantly analyzes
the scene and detects any change in the picture.
A sophisticated digital algorithm provides an excellent resistance to false alarms caused by non-essential changes
in pictures (getting dark, switching on the street lamps, etc).
The user can simply mask-out (hide) a part of a picture in order not to detect changes in this part (masking out the
street traffic, etc.) and set the sensitivity according to the size and speed of change in the picture.
As the DSP method consumes a lot of energy, MIP is usually activated after a WAKE-UP by the PIR detector.
Example: Detecting movement of people or objects in a garage.
Glass break detector (GBS)
The glass break detector digitally analyses a signal from the microphone and is able to detect the characteristic sound
of the window breaking up to 9 meters away.
The GBS sensor can only be used for indoor installations.
Door opening detector (DOOR)
Door opening detection is a special type of detection that uses acoustic signal filtering. The detector senses pressure
changes and so it detects opening (or closing) of doors and windows in a room.
The DOOR sensor can be only used for indoor installations.
Tilt detector (TILT)
The built-in tilt detector can detect tampering or unwanted manipulation with the camera. The detector is active also
in SLEEP mode in all profiles except CARE.
Example: Detecting intruder who tilted the camera.
Touch detector (TOUCH)
The touch detector responds to micro vibrations of camera body caused by touching it by hand or another object.
Example: Detecting intruder who touched the camera.
As touch detectors are very sensitive, they should not be used for outdoor installation to pre-
vent false alarms caused by gusts of wind. Reduction in the touch detector's sensitivity may
also be necessary for indoor installation with usual vibrations in some cases.
Noise detector (NOISE)
The noise detector uses a microphone to check the surrounding area for any sound above the preset level.
The detectors are optimized for application in rooms with a maximum distance of up to 10 meters.
Detector configuration
Each detector can be configured to 5 sensitivity levels. Higher sensitivity settings mean that detector is activated more
easily, e.g. a smaller movement will be interpreted as activation.
Camera detectors can be configured to respond to their triggering in severral ways. Any of camera detectors can be
set to make alarm always when the detector is triggered or the detector can be set only to wake up the camera for
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