5 . 5 D a t a r e q u i r e d f o r w e i g h t
Normal Offset Distance (machine rim)
Rim nominal diameter
Rim nominal width
Alu 1
Offset Distance (machine rim)
Rim nominal diameter
Rim nominal width
Alu 2
Offset Distance (machine rim)
Rim nominal diameter
Alu 3
Offset Distance (machine rim)
Rim nominal diameter
Alu 4
Offset Distance (machine rim)
Rim nominal diameter
Rim nominal width
Alu 5
Offset Distance (machine rim)
Rim nominal diameter
Rim nominal width
Alu 1P
Position for weight application on the left
Rim nominal width
After the first touch, select the ALU
selection key.
Alu 2P
Weight application positions
Alu 3P
Weight application positions
*position detected by the arm gauge for weight
application in manual mode; these positions are
automatically detected in other modes (operating