• If not used for a long � me, the solu� on in the water tank should be emp� ed, wiped with
a cloth and placed in a dry place.
• Keep in a cool place.
• If you need to use it again a� er prolonged use, clean it with a mild detergent.
1. Place the product on a horizontal surface, remove the top
cover and plug the USB cable into the DC socket in the hole.
2. Add the solu� on (alcohol, perfume, etc.) from above. Pay
a� en� on to the fi lling water volume, do not exceed the maxi-
mum water level.
3. Posi� on the top cover and turn it to adjust the loca� on of
the spray mist port.
4. Connect the USB cable to the power supply, short press
"MIST" select the required � me, long press "MIST" for 2 seconds
to reduce the amount of mist set from maximum to medium,
press and hold again to set the amount of mist to minimum,
press fi ve � mes to close the product.
5. Briefl y press "LIGHT" to adjust the light mode.
The water in the tank
should be poured from
the le� side. Do not pour from the
right side.