7.2 Configuration for Wi-Fi connection.
1- Connect to IMEON OS. ONE, then click on WiFi icon
2- Press "Search for the available wireless networks" to scan and display the list of Wi-Fi
networks available for the inverter.
3- In the list of identified networks, press "Select" to establish connection with the chosen
4- Enter the network key (if required), then click on "Connect".
5- The name of the Wi-Fi network selected is displayed on « Wireless station name » and the
status is « connected »
7.3 Web portal Identification
The URL to access the MONITORING portal is:
Log in with the information (email address and password) you received by email when the installer
created the user account, then press "Login".
If no account has been created, contact your installer.
7.4 Description of the MONITORING
7.4.1 Dashboard
The homepage is the same as one of IMEON OS. ONE. It allows viewing the real time distribution of
the energy sources feeding the load, as well as the evolution of the self-production rate, the status of
the battery and the overview of the energy flow.
7.4.2 Stats page
Allows viewing the real time and historical data concerning consumption, solar distribution, grid power
and battery behavior.
7.4.3 My account
Allows viewing and modifying the user information and information related to the system.
Manuel d'installation / Installation guide IMEON Inverter/ Guia de montaje – Rev C.12
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