pane of transparent glass on top of the adiac-
tinic glass, between it and the welding area.
This pane can be frequently replaced when
incandescent spatters and deposits greatly
reduce visibility. When working with coated
plates that emit toxic fumes when heated,
use an air-supplied respirator.
Welding should be done in a closed area
that does not open onto other working areas,
in order to protect all workers against radia-
tion and fumes. If such an area cannot be
provided, the welding area must be delimi-
ted by protective screens painted in opaque
black large enough to restrain the visibility of
any person situated near the area (Fig. 3).
Remove all chlorinated solvents from the
welding area before welding. Certain chlori-
nated solvents decompose when exposed to
ultraviolet radiation to form phosgene gas.
Never, under any circumstances, look at
an electric arc without suitable eye protection
(Fig. 4).
Always wear protective goggles with tran-
sparent lenses to prevent splinters or other fo-
reign particles from harming the eyes (Fig. 5).
Adequate local exhaust ventilation must
be used in the area. It should be provided
through a mobile hood or through a built-in sy-
stem on the workbench that provides exhaust
ventilation from the sides, the front and below,
but not from above the bench so as to avoid
raising dust and fumes. Local exhaust ventila-
tion must be provided together with adequate
general ventilation and air circulation, particu-
larly when work is done in a confined space.
(Fig.6). Any symptom of stain or soreness to
the eyes, the nose or the throat may be cause
by inadequate ventilation; work must be stop-
ped immediately and all necessary steps must
be taken to provide adequate ventilation.
Welding process must be performed on
metal coatings thoroughly cleaned from la-
yers of rust or paint, to avoid production of
harmful fumes. The parts degreased with a
solvent must be dried before welding.
Do not weld metal or painted metal contai-
ning zinc, lead, cadmium or beryllium unless
the operator, or anyone else subjected to the
fumes, is wearing respiratory equipment or
an air-supplied helmet.