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Kingfisher 2130-15MP Manual Del Usuario
Kingfisher 2130-15MP Manual Del Usuario

Kingfisher 2130-15MP Manual Del Usuario

Tira de luces con led integrado


Enlaces rápidos

KNG: KNG-1735-0038
EAN: 5063022045973
Impala Ref: PRJ26605
EN Integrated LED Strip Light
FR Ruban lumineux LED intégrée
PL Taśma oświetleniowa LED zintegrowana
RO Bandă luminoasă cu LED integrat și cip
montat pe suprafața plăcii de bază
ES Tira de luces con LED integrado
PT Tira LED integrada
TR Entegre LED'li Şerit Işık
EN IMPORTANT - These instructions are for your safety. Please
read through them thoroughly prior to handling the product and
retain them for future reference.
FR IMPORTANT : Ces instructions sont données pour votre
sécurité. Merci de les lire attentivement avant de manipuler le
produit et de les conserver pour référence.
PL WAŻNE — Niniejsza instrukcja została opracowana w celu
zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa użytkownikowi. Należy ją
dokładnie przeczytać przed obsługą produktu i zachować do
wykorzystania w przyszłości.
RO IMPORTANT - Aceste instrucțiuni sunt pentru siguranța
ta. Citește-le cu atenție înainte de montarea produsului și
păstrează-le pentru consultare ulterioară.
ES IMPORTANTE: Estas instrucciones son para su propia
seguridad. Léalas atentamente antes de manipular el producto
y guárdelas para futuras consultas.
PT IMPORTANTE - Estas instruções são para sua segurança.
Leia-as atentamente antes de manusear o produto e guarde-as
para consultas futuras.
TR ÖNEMLİ - Bu talimatlar sizin güvenliğiniz içindir. Ürün üzerinde
çalışmaya başlamadan önce lütfen bu talimatları dikkatlice
okuyun ve ileride başvurmak üzere saklayın.
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Page Size: A3
EN Parts FR Pièces PL Części RO Piese ES Piezas
PT Peças TR Parçalar
01. x1
02. x1
04. x1
05. x1
07. x2
08. x2
EN You will need FR Vous aurez besoin de PL Będziesz
potrzebować RO Vei avea nevoie de ES Necesitará
PT Vai precisar de TR İhtiyaç duyacaklarınız
EN Care & maintenance FR Entretien et maintenance
PL Czyszczenie i konserwacja RO Îngrijire și întreținere
ES Cuidados y mantenimiento PT Cuidados e
manutenção TR Bakım ve muhafaza
These instructions are for your safety. Please read through them
thoroughly prior to installation and retain them for future reference.
Check the pack and make sure you have all of the parts listed.
Remove all packaging, wrap etc from the product.
Decide on the appropriate location for your product.
This product is suitable for indoor use only and not for areas constantly
subject to moisture such as bathroom.
Always refer to the installation drawing for the orientation of the product.
IMPORTANT: The fixing point(s) selected must be capable of supporting
03. x1
the full weight of the light fitting.
To obtain optimum adhesion, the bonding surfaces must be clean,
dry and well unified. Firm application pressure helps develop better
adhesive contact and improve bond strength.
CAUTION: Ensure the cable is routed so it does not present a hazard
(avoid dangling loops where the cable is likely to be pulled/caught).
Never put anything on the product or hang anything on any part of this
Never use the terminal cables to bear the product weight.
The external flexible cable or cord of this luminaire cannot be replaced; if
06. x1
the cord is damaged, the luminaire must be destroyed.
Do not install this luminaire set in humidity area and near sink.
Do not connect the chain to the supply while it is in the packing.
The remote control supplied with a coin/button cell battery.If the coin/
button cell battery is swallowed, it can cause severe internal burns in just
2 hours and can lead to death.
> Store spare batteries securely. Dispose of used batteries immediately
and safely. If you think batteries might have been swallowed or placed
inside any part of the body, seek immediate medical attention.
> If the battery compartment does not close securely, stop using the
product and keep it away from children.
> Be alert, there are no obvious symptoms if a child has swallowed a
button or coin battery. If your child appears unwell and there are no
obvious symptoms, then check to make sure there are no batteries
missing from any items they have been around. If you suspect they have
swallowed a coin/button cell, then seek medical attention. Similarly, if
they vomit bright red fresh blood seek immediate medical help.
> Always remain vigilant with discharged or spare button or coin
batteries in the home and in products that contain them.
When the product does not light after installation:
> Ensure there is no electricity failure
> Ensure all the connections are secured
If you have any doubt about installation/use of this product, consult a
qualified electrician.
Always disconnect the product from mains at least 10 minutes allowing
to cool down before any maintenance or adjustment.
It is recommended to have a regular schedule of care and maintenance
to keep the surface condition well.
Technical Data
220-240 V~, 50/60 Hz
LED (26 W)
The light source of this luminaire is not replaceable;
Bulb Type:
when the light source reaches its end of life the whole
luminaire shall be replaced.
Do not stare at the operating light source.
1 x 3 V CR2025.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type.
Product contains a coin/button cell.
In case of ingestion of a cell or a battery, the person
involved should seek medical assistance promptly.
Keep out of reach of children
This product complies with conformity requirements of
the applicable European Regulations or Directives.
This product complies with conformity requirements of
the applicable UK Regulations.
Class II product - Double Insulated - No earth required.
Class III product - designed to be supplied from a SELV
(Separated or Safety Extra-Low Voltage) power source.
For indoor use only.
Waste electrical products should not be disposed of
with household waste. Please recycle where facilities
exist. Check with your Local Authority or local store for
recycling advice.
xx-year; yy-week of the year
We take special care to select high quality materials and use manufacturing
techniques that allow us to create products incorporating design and
durability. This product has a manufacturer's guarantee of 5 years against
manufacturing defects, from the date of purchase (if bought in store) or
date of delivery (if bought online), at no additional cost for normal (non-
professional or commercial) household use.
To make a claim under this guarantee, you must present your proof of
purchase (such as a sales receipt, purchase invoice or other evidence
admissible under applicable law), please keep your proof of purchase
in a safe place. For this guarantee to apply, the product you purchased
must be new, it will not apply to second hand or display products. Unless
stated otherwise by applicable law, any replacement product issued under
this guarantee will only be guaranteed until expiry of the original period
guarantee period.
This guarantee covers product failures and malfunctions provided the product
was used for the purpose for which it is intended and subject to installation,
cleaning, care and maintenance in accordance with the information contained
in these terms and conditions, in the user manual and standard practice,
provided that standard practice does not conflict with the user manual.
This guarantee does not cover defects and damage caused by normal
wear and tear or damage that could be the result of improper use, faulty
installation or assembly, neglect, accident, misuse, or modification of the
product. Unless stated otherwise by applicable law, this guarantee will not
cover, in any case, ancillary costs (shipping, movement, costs of uninstalling
and reinstalling, labour etc), or direct and indirect damage.
If the product is defective, we will replace or refund, within a reasonable time.
Rights under this guarantee are enforceable in the country in which you
purchased this product. Guarantee related queries should be addressed to
the store you purchased this product from.
The guarantee is in addition to and does not affect your statutory rights.
Les consignes suivantes visent à assurer votre sécurité. Veuillez les lire
attentivement avant de procéder à l'installation et les conserver pour
pouvoir vous y référer ultérieurement.
Assurez-vous de la présence de toutes les pièces répertoriées.
Retirez le produit de l'emballage.
Choisissez l'emplacement approprié pour votre produit.
Ce produit est exclusivement conçu pour être utilisé à l'intérieur et ne
convient pas aux endroits qui présentent une humidité constante telles
que dans les salles de bains.
Reportez-vous systématiquement au schéma d'installation.
IMPORTANT : Les points de fixation sélectionnés doivent être capables
de supporter le poids total de la lampe.
Pour obtenir une adhérence optimale, les surfaces de liaison doivent
être propres, sèches et lisses. Une pression d'application ferme
contribue à une meilleure adhésion de l'adhésif et améliore la résistance
de la liaison.
ATTENTION : assurez-vous que l'acheminement du câble ne présente
aucun danger (évitez les boucles pendantes, où le câble risque d'être
Ne placez ni n'accrochez jamais d'objet sur ce produit.
N'utilisez jamais les câbles d'alimentation pour supporter le poids du
Le câble ou le cordon extérieur souple de ce luminaire ne peut pas être
remplacé; si le câble est endommagé, le luminaire doit être détruit.
N'installez pas ce luminaire dans un endroit humide ou près d'un évier.
14/2/2023 11:30 AM
14/2/2023 11:30 AM



Resumen de contenidos para Kingfisher 2130-15MP

  • Página 1 This product complies with conformity requirements of • Ne placez ni n’accrochez jamais d’objet sur ce produit. the applicable European Regulations or Directives. 2130-15MP • N’utilisez jamais les câbles d’alimentation pour supporter le poids du produit. This product complies with conformity requirements of 5063022045973 •...
  • Página 2 Garantie • Ne branchez pas la guirlande sur l’alimentation tant qu’elle se trouve dans Ten produkt spełnia wymogi zgodności zawarte w son emballage. Bezpieczeństwo Nous veillons tout particulièrement à sélectionner des matériaux de haute odnośnych rozporządzeniach lub dyrektywach unijnych. • Télécommande fournie avec une pile bouton.
  • Página 3 Garanție • ATENŢIE: Cablul de alimentare trebuie să fie bine fixat, pentru a • ADVERTENCIA SOBRE LAS PILAS: MANTENER FUERA DEL comprobante de compra en un lugar seguro. Para poder acogerse a esta evita pericolul de electrocutare (evitaţi formarea de bucle care atârnă, ALCANCE DE LOS NIÑOS garantía, el producto adquirido deberá...
  • Página 4 SELV (Voltagem extra-baixa • Bu armatür setini nemli alanlara ve lavabo yakınlarına monte etmeyin. kapsamında kabul edilebilecek başka bir kanıt), lütfen satın alma kanıtınızı Kingfisher International Products B.V. Rapenburgerstraat 175E, segura ou separada). 1011 VM Amsterdam •...
  • Página 5 EN Installation FR Installation PL Instalacja RO Montare ES Instalación PT Instalação TR Kurulum 01. x1 02. x1 03. x1 04. x1 07. x2 08. x2 05. x1 06. x1 5063022045973_MNL_IN_V03.indd 5 5063022045973_MNL_IN_V03.indd 5 14/2/2023 11:30 AM 14/2/2023 11:30 AM...
  • Página 6 EN Use FR Utilisation PL Użytkowanie RO Utilizare ES Uso PT Utilização TR Kullanım EN Maintenance FR Maintenance PL Konserwacja RO întreținere ES Mantenimiento PT Manutenção TR Onarım EN A. ON ES A. Encendido B. OFF B. Apagado C. Adjust the brightness under the static colour mode. C.

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