√ Accessories are available for air tight connections.
The Snap-on AHC24 Quick Coupler and the AHC24M
and AHC24F adaptors are the two recommended for
use with this die grinder.
Air Compressor
The air compressor should have sufficient capacity to
deliver 3.8 cfm (27 SCFM) at 90 psig (6,2 bar, 620 kPa)
at each outlet while the tool is running. The receiver
tank should have sufficient capacity to provide surge
balance for each air tool.
The Snap-on AHR424 Filter, or equivalent, should be
used to assure clean air for the die grinder. Water, dirt
and scale act as abrasives which could damage the die
grinder. A filter unit should be installed between the
compressor and the air regulator and air lubricator.
Air Regulator
Regulated air pressure is necessary for proper
performance of the die grinder. The Snap-on AHR414A
Regulator, or equivalent, will adjust and maintain the
recommended air pressure of 90 psig (6.2 bar,
620 kPa). Pressure less than this reduces efficiency,
while pressure greater than this increases speed
beyond the rated capacity—creating potential hazards
and possible damage to the die grinder. Check the air
pressure at the air inlet while using the die grinder in a
normal manner.
Air Line Lubricator
√ Do not use a heavy grade of oil because stalling and
low performance will result.
The preferred method of lubricating the die grinder
motor is to use an air line lubricator such as the
Snap-on AHR418 Lubricator. It should be filled with
Snap-on IM6 Air Motor Oil or a good grade of
SAE 10W oil.
If an air line lubricator is not used, lubricate the air
motor by injecting approximately 1/8 oz (3.75 ml) of
IM6 Air Motor Oil into the air inlet of the die grinder
each day before using it. IM6 Oil is specially formulated
for air tools and no flushing solvent is needed.
If the unit seems sluggish apply 3 or 4 squirts of
IM6 Air Motor Oil into the air inlet of the die grinder
each day before using, and again at the end of each
work day.
Lubricate the gears of the PTGR210 through the grease
fitting on the angle head with Snap-on YA190DIS
grease after every 8 hours of operation.
Air Strainer
An air strainer is built into the removable air inlet
bushing located at the rear of the die grinder. To clean,
remove the bushing and use an air hose to blow dirt
and other particles from the screen and bushing.
Before reinstalling the air inlet bushing, check the
O-ring for damage. If it is damaged, replace it with a
new O-ring to prevent air leakage. Torque the air inlet
bushing to 90-150 lb. ins. (16 N•m).
Power/Speed Regulator
The die grinder operates in the clockwise
direction when viewed from the operator's
The die grinder's power and speed can be adjusted by
turning the regulator screw located on the side of the
body, opposite that of the throttle lever. The regulator's
ten settings provide a free speed range of
approximately 10,000 to 23,000 rpm. Turning the
screw clockwise increases the power and speed;
counterclockwise decreases them.
Exhaust Deflector
The exhaust deflector, at the rear of the die grinder,
should be turned to direct the exhaust away from the
user, other personnel and sources of flame before
using the tool.
1/4'' Collet
The die grinder's collet is intended for retaining
accessories with 1/4'' shanks. To use the adaptor,
simply insert it into the collet.
Installing Grinding Accessories
The collet nut and spindle hold various 1/4'' grinding
accessories in the die grinder. Accessories are attached
as follows:
1 – Insert the shaft of the grinding accessory at least
7/16'' into the spindle.
2 – Using the 74058 wrench supplied (or a 9/16"
wrench) to hold the spindle stationary, tighten the
collet nut snugly onto the spindle, using the other
74058 wrench supplied (or a 3/4" wrench). Check to
be sure that the accessory is tight in the spindle
before using the tool.
Service Instructions
√ Refer to Figure 2 for parts listing. Use only genuine
Snap-on replacement parts for maintenance and repair.
Servicing and repairs should be performed only by
trained personnel. Repair parts and service manual
available through your Authorized Snap-on