2.7. Use and Maintenance of the Tip
2.7.1 Select a Correct Tip
1. A tip which can contact surface of the soldering joint effectively will conduct
heat effectively.
2. Select a tip which can conduct heat to the solder joint quickly and effectively.
A short tip can control the process more precise, and a long or and angled
tip will be more suitable for components-intensive PCBs.
1. Tip temperature
High temperature will shorten lifetime of the soldering tip. Choose a low and
suitable soldering temperature if possible. With the excellent thermal
recovery, it can ensure a sufficient and effective soldering event at low
temperature to protect sensitive components from damage.
2. Cleaning
The remnant flux during soldering process will form oxides and carbides
which will cause damage to the tip, soldering difference and thermal
recovery decreasing. Clean the tips regularly with the cleaning sponge.
Remove the oxides and carbides once a week if using the soldering station
continuously to protect the tip.
3. When not in use
When the work is finished, don't leave the soldering station at high
temperature for long time. Or the flux in the tip will turn to oxides and
carbides which will reduce the heat conductivity of the tip largely.
Use of the Tip