E.Ref Vol – volume of the early reflections dur-
ing reverberation
Feedback – part of the effect signal returned to
the input of the effect processor
– For the effects FLANGE and PHASER: to af -
fect the effect intensity
– For the effects VOCAL ECHO and TAP DE -
LAY: to set the number of echoes
Feedback Phase – For the effect PHASER, the
phase of the effect signal returned to the input of
the effect processor will be inverted by 180° (set-
ting "inv" = inverted). This will result in another
distortion of the sound. With the preset "Dir"
(direct), the signal will not be inverted.
Flanger Vol – volume of the Flange effect signal
This parameter will define the volume ratio to
other effects.
F.Ref Vol – volume of the fast reflections during
The fast reflections will be simulated in addition
to the early reflections in order to obtain a higher
reflection density.
H-Damp Freq
quency at which the effect signal will be attenu-
ated (high frequency attenuation)
– For reverberation effects (REVERB): fre-
quency at which the reverberation time will be
reduced. Like in a natural environment, the
reverberation time will depend on the frequency.
H-Damp Rev – frequency at which the reverber-
ation time will be reduced in order to simulate
natural acoustics
High-Pass F – cut-off frequency of the high pass
filter: minimum frequency for passage of the
effect signal (low frequency attenuation)
Horn Depth – intensity of modulation for the
simulation of the rotating horn speaker (effect
Horn Feedback – part of the effect signal of the
horn speaker returned to the input of the effect
This parameter will affect the intensity of the
effect for the horn speaker.
Horn HighSpeed – rotating speed for the simu-
lation of the rotating horn speaker in the setting
Horn HPF – cut-off frequency of the high pass
filter for the simulation of the rotating horn
speaker: minimum frequency for passage of the
signal (low frequency attenuation)
Horn Level – volume of the horn speaker for the
effect ROTARY
Horn LowSpeed – rotating speed for the simu-
lation of the rotating horn speaker in the setting
Horn LPF – cut-off frequency of the low pass fil-
ter for the simulation of the rotating horn
speaker: maximum frequency for passage of the
signal (high frequency attenuation)
Horn PEQ F – midrange frequency of the bell fil-
ter that will boost or attenuate a frequency range
for the simulation of the rotating horn speaker
Horn PEQ G – gain or attenuation of the adjust-
ed frequency range by a bell filter for the simula-
tion of the rotating horn speaker
Horn PEQ Q – bandwidth of the bell filter for the
simulation of the rotating horn speaker;
range: 0.05 – 3 octaves in steps of one third of an
octave referring to the midrange frequency Horn
L-Damp Freq
quency up to which the effect signal will be atten-
uated (low frequency attenuation)
– For reverberation effects (REVERB): frequency
up to which the reverberation time will be re -
duced. Like in a natural environment, the rever-
beration time will depend on the frequency.
L-Damp Rev – frequency up to which the rever-
beration time will be reduced in order to simulate
natural acoustics
Link Rate – For the effects CHORUS and
FLANGE, this parameter will define if the effect
speed for the right channel and the left channel
is adjusted separately (setting OFF) or together
for both channels (setting ON). When the effect
speeds are different, a stereo impression will
Low-Pass F – cut-off frequency of the low pass
filter: minimum frequency for passage of the
effect signal (high frequency attenuation)
Mode – selection of stereo or mono mode for the
effect TAP DELAY
The setting will affect the maximum delay: for
mono, 1.27 seconds max. will be possible; for
stereo, 0.8 seconds max.
Offset – for the effect TREMOLO: modulation
intensity adjustable in addition to the parameter
From a certain value, the tremolo frequency will
double. The sound of the effect will be harder.
Offset Depth – for the effect PHASER: shifting
of the individual modulations with one another
Out Level – volume of the effect signal
This parameter will define the volume ratio to
other effects.
PEQ1, 2, 3 F
PEQ1, 2, 3 Freq – midrange frequency of one of
the three bell filters at the effect processor input
which will boost or attenuate frequency ranges
PEQ1, 2, 3 G
PEQ1, 2, 3 Gain – gain or attenuation of the
adjusted frequency range by one of the three bell
filters at the effect processor input
PEQ1, 2, 3 Q – bandwidth of the three bell filters;
range: 0.05 – 3 octaves in steps of one third of an
octave referring to the midrange frequency
PEQ F – midrange frequency of the bell filter
which will boost or attenuate a frequency range
in the effect signal
For the effect ROTARY, it will filter the signal at
the effect processor output; for the effect PITCH
SHIFTER, the signal at the processor input.
PEQ G – gain or attenuation of the adjusted
frequency range in the ROTARY or PITCH
SHIFTER signal
PEQ Q – bandwidth of the bell filter for the
range: 0.05 – 3 octaves in steps of one third of an
octave referring to the midrange frequency PEQ F
Phase – deviation from the phase between the
input signal and the effect signal;
The effect will be affected when the two signals
are mixed.
Phaser In – For the effect PHASER, the phase of
the signal at the effect processor input will be
inverted by 180° (setting "inv" = inverted) to obtain
another distortion of the sound. With the preset
"Dir" (direct), the input signal will not be inverted.
Phaser Vol – volume of the Phaser effect signal
This parameter will define the volume ratio to
other effects.
PreDly E.Ref – delay of early reflections during
reverberation, i. e. the time before the early
PreDly F.Ref – delay of fast reflections
F.Ref Vol) during reverberation
PreDly Rev – delay of the reverberation, i. e. the
time before the reverberation is audible
Pseudo St – delay of the effect signal between
the left output and the right output: The higher
the percentage value, the more distinct the
stereo impression.
Rate – setting of the effect speed for the effects
Rate L, Rate R – separate setting of the effect
speed for the right channel and the left channel
for the effects CHORUS and FLANGE
Note: These parameters will only appear on the display if
the parameter "Link Rate" is set to OFF. If it is set to ON,
the parameters "Rate L & R" and "Rate R & L" will be
Rate L & R, Rate R & L – setting of the effect
speed together for the right channel and the left
channel for the effects CHORUS and FLANGE
Two parameters (Rate L&R and Rate R&L) will be indi-
cated on the display, but it is the same setting. If you
change one of them, the other will change accordingly.
The parameters will only appear on the display if the
parameter "Link Rate" is set to ON. If it is set to OFF, the
parameters "Rate L" and "Rate R" will be adjustable.
Release – for the effect GATE REVERB: the
time the gate requires to completely suppress
the reverberation signal
Reverb Vol – level of the reverberation signal
passing through the internal delay loop
For the effect combinations CHR / FLG REVERB
and DELAY REVERB: volume of the reverbera-
tion effect
Semi Tones – pitch shifting adjustable in steps
of one third of a semitone (± 1 octave max.)
Switch – selection of the rotating speed be -
tween Slow and Fast with the control PAR
The speed is also selectable with the button FX
LOAD/ PAR / TAP (8) or via a footswitch con-
nected to the jack FX LOAD/ PAR / TAP (18): The
parameter "Switch" must be activated and dis-
played. Keep the button FX LOAD/ PAR / TAP
pressed (for approx. 3 seconds) until "Switch
[RM]:" appears in the second line of the display
[RM = Rotary Mode]. It will now only be possible
to change the speed with the button FX LOAD/
PAR/ TAP or with a footswitch connected. The
controls PAR VALUE and FX SELECT are with-
out function. In the setting "Fast", the LED above
the button FX LOAD/ PAR / TAP will light up.
To select another parameter or another
effect, first keep the button FX LOAD/ PAR / TAP
pressed again (for approx. 3 seconds) until "Pre-
set:" appears in the second line of the display.
The controls PAR VALUE and FX SELECT will
be in operation again and the speed will only be
changed with the control PAR VALUE.
Threshold – for the effect GATE REVERB: the
switching threshold for the gate
If the reverberation signal falls below the thresh-
old value adjusted, the gate will cut it off.
Time – delay time for the effect GATE REVERB,
adjustable in steps of 31.5 ms from 0 to 3.15 sec-
onds (3150 ms)
Tremolo Vol – level of the Tremolo effect signal
This parameter will define the volume ratio to
other effects.