Step 3. When the PKCS#11 DNIe module is properly ins-
talled, you are able to view the DNIe certificates. Open the
Mozilla/Firefox navigator and go to Tools menu / Options
/ Advanced / View certificates. The DNie PIN will be re-
quired, please write it and go to "Options" section. Then
press on "View Certifiates" and in "Your Certificates" tab to
find your certificates:
- Certificate of Authentication
- Certifiate of signature
Step 4. In "Authorities" tab you will be able to
view the AC DNIE 00X certificate and the AC
RAIZ DNIE root certificate.
Step 5. If you have completed sucessfully all the previous steps and you can find the certificates, the PKCS#11 module
and Firefox root certificate are properly installed.
9. DNIe software installation
Before installing the DNIe software under Windows Vista and WIndows 7 OS (32/64bits) with Explorer V8, you should up-
date your system. Follow the next steps:
1. Go to Start Menu > Control panel > Windows
2. If there is available any update please install it. If
there isn´t, continue with the installation of the device
3. Then insert the CD Driver on the CD ROM unit of your com-
puter, the main installation menu should appear automatically. If
it isn´t, go to"My Computer", right click over the CD ROM unit
and select "Run".
How to install the cryptographic module for DNIe
In the Installation Mein Menu, select the option "DNIe V6.0.1" and follow the indicated steps. Once you restart the com-
puter, a window will appear to confirm the certificate installation. Click on "Next" and follow all the steps.
Then click on "Java" to install the Java application and restart your computer.
All the files which have been installed in your computer during the installation process are saved on: C:/Files program/DNIe.
SCT010 User Guide
1. Welcome
2. Features
3. Technical Specifications
4. System Requirements
5. Content
6. Hardware
7. Installation
8. DNIe software installation (WinXP)
9. DNIe software installation (Win-
10. Uninstallation
11. FAQs
12. Warning: disposal of waste batteries