Installation Overview
This installation overview is provided to familiarize you with the typical steps that are taken when installing a solar water
pumping system. Your particular installation may require the steps to be done in a different order. You should read the whole
manual before making your first installation.
WARNING – This installation overview does not substitute the detailed instructions given in this
manual. Read and follow the manual carefully to ensure reliable operation and long life of the
product and to avoid danger to health and life.
Below you find a collection of mandatory and optional tools which are useful for installing the pump.
Table 1: Tool list
Mandatory tools
Screw driver, flat, 1 x 5,5 mm (PV and Motor terminals)
Screw driver, flat, 0,6 x 3 mm (Sensor terminals)
Wire stripper
Wrench, 13 mm (Grounding bolt)
LORENTZ PumpScanner Android™ App
Multimeter (min. 1000 V DC)
1. Registration of Components
Before you start the installation please register all components (e.g. Pump end, Motor, Pump Controller) on Sites in part-
nerNET (Support
Sites) or by using the PumpScanner App. This is mandatory and needs to be done to run the pump.
2. PV and Controller Installation
Please follow the manufacturers instructions for PV
installation. Every PV installation must be equipped with a
PV disconnect switch. Suitable switches are available from
Install the controller close to the PV array in a shaded
location to minimize cable length on the input side.
Recommended additional tools
Isolation tester 1000 V
Clamp meter for DC current
Crimping tool for non insulated sleeves
Please refer to "8.1 General" on page 18 for more infor-
mation on the requirements the PV disconnect must meet.
For detailed information refer to "8.3 Mounting, space and
ventilation requirements" on page 22.