11.2 Starting the pump
(1) Make sure that an unhindered water flow is possible
and not blocked, e.g. by closed valves.
(2) Switch on the PV generator disconnect switch.
(3) Toggle the power switch on the controller to ON.
A solar-direct pump will now start when sufficient irra-
diation levels are reached and neither the well probe,
remote switch or a PumpScanner setting prevents the
controller from starting the pump.
Operating the Pump
11.3 Time delays
Pump stops due to
insufficient irradiation
Full-tank float switch
Low water well probe
regains contact with water
Shutdown due to
low input power incident
To force a quick start, the above listed delays can be by-
passed by switching the POWER switch OFF/ON. The pump
should now start immediately if sufficient power is present.
Time delay
240 seconds
2 - 3 seconds
15 Minutes
Automatic restart after
cooling down
240 seconds