Access time
Random access time (DVD-ROM CAV mode) *3
Fullstroke access time (DVD-ROM CAV mode) *4
Random access time (DVD-RAM 2.6 G mode) *3
Fullstroke access time (DVD-RAM 2.6 G mode) *4
Random access time (DVD-RAM 4.7 G mode) *3
Fullstroke access time (DVD-RAM 4.7 G mode) *4
Random access time (CD CAV mode) *5
Fullstroke access time (CD CAV mode) *6
Buffer Size
*1 CAV :
*2 ZCLV:
*3 Random access time (DVD-ROM / DVD-RAM (2.6G / 4.7G)) :
*4 Fullstroke access time (DVD-ROM / DVD-RAM (2.6G / 4.7G)) :
*5 Random access time (CD) :
*6 Fullstroke access time (CD) :
• Soft read errors
• Hard read errors
(1) Analog audio
Number of channels
Frequency response
SN Ratio
• Line-out
• Headphone
Output level
(2) Digital audio
Output level
Data format
Constant Angular Velocity
Zone Constant Linear Velocity
Average Data read over the complete area from starting data recorded
area(LBA:0) to maximam data recorded area(LBA:23197F
(DVD-ROM) / 12998F(DVD-RAM 2.6G) / 22211F(DVD-RAM 4.7G)),
more than 2000 times including latency and layered error correction time.
From starting data recorded area (LBA:0) to maximam data recorded
area (LBA:23197F(DVD-ROM) / 12998F(DVD-RAM 2.6G) / 22211F
(DVD-RAM 4.7G)) including latency and layered error correction time.
Average Data read over the complete area from 00 min. 02 sec. 00 block
to 59 min. 58 sec. 74 blocks, more than 2000 times including
latency and layered error correction time.
From 00 min. 02 sec. 00 block to 59 min. 58 sec. 74 blocks including
latency and layered error correction time.
105 ms [ typical ]
210 ms [ typical ]
200 ms [ typical ]
400 ms [ typical ]
210 ms [ typical ]
480 ms [ typical ]
90 ms [ typical ]
180 ms [ typical ]
512 KBytes
125,000 POH (duty 20%)
Less than 10
Less than 10
100 Hz ~ 20 kHz (Headphone)
20 Hz ~ 20 kHz (Line-out)
More than 80 dB (Headphone/ Line-out)
Less than 0.1 % (1 kHz)
Less than 0.2 % (1 kHz)
0.60 Vrms [ typical ] (Headphone/ Line-out)
3.3V CMOS level
Base a decision on IEC-958