Configuración: Botón Etapa - Stanley Alpha Manual De Utilización

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Controlador Alpha
Pantalla de la Pestaña Tarea
(CCW) for left hand fasteners.
Threshold Torque – The torque level during the tightening cycle when the In Cycle Output
transitions high. Data is not printed, or available to eTB, unless Threshold Torque is exceeded
during the tightening cycle. A good starting point is 20% of Target Torque.
Statistical Torque – The torque level required to be exceeded before the fastening cycle data is
included into Statistics or sent via a network protocol.
Disassembly Speed – The speed of the tool during (Reverse) operation in RPM (revolutions per
Disassembly Acceleration – The rate at which the tool gets to Disassembly Speed in RPM/s
(revolutions per minute per second).
Cycle Lock-Out – This is a timer, in seconds, that activates after the tool has reached its target.
While active, it disables the tool.
Torque Audit Step – Identifies which step the fastening cycle torque data is received. The status of
the Audit step determines which of the Red, Green and Yellow fastening cycle status lights is
energized at the end of a fastening cycle. The value of LAST always chooses the last step
programmed in this Task as the Audit step.
Angle Audit Step – Identifies which step the fastening cycle angle data is received. The status of the
Audit step determines which of the Red, Green and Yellow fastening cycle status lights is energized
at the end of a fastening cycle. The value of LAST always chooses the last step programmed in this
Task as the Audit step.
Synchronization – Yes turns on the synchronization function. No turns off the synchronization
Torque Rate – This section sets values used in determining fastening cycle torque rate. This rate is
then used in the Torque Rate or Yield Control strategies.
Torque Average – Number of Torque samples averaged for the Rate calculation. Calculates a
running average from torque samples taken every millisecond. A higher number gives a smoother
Angle Interval – Angle interval used to calculate the Torque vs. Angle Rate. Larger intervals may
give a smoother Rate.
Modified – A value that is changed by the controller to indicate the date and time parameter values
were last changed in this Task.
Pulse el botón de menú interactivo SALIR para salvaguardar las modificaciones y volver a la
pantalla de explotación. Ver sección Configuración: Salir.
Pulse el botón de menú interactivo GESTION para Añadir, Suprimir, Copiar o Pegar las Tareas.
Ver sección Configuración: Botón Gestión (Trabajo) y reemplace la palabra Trabajo por
Tarea al efectuar la gestión de Tareas en esta sección.
Pulse el botón de menú interactivo ETAPA para configurar los parámetros de la(s) Etapa(s) en el
interior de la Tarea seleccionada. Ver sección Configuración: Botón Etapa para mayor
Configuración: Botón Etapa
Pantallas de la pestaña Etapa
Los parámetros de las Etapas afectan solamente el Trabajo y la Tarea seleccionada. Sólo puede haber
una sola etapa de Verificación por Tarea. Cada etapa es representada por su propia pestaña. Utilice
las teclas de las flechas arriba/abajo para seleccionar las pestañas/etapas para efectuar las
Pantallas de opciones
Pantallas de opciones


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