What to check on installed non-commissioned actuators
If you expect a long period between actuator mounting and electrical
1. Visually check that cable entries and cover are tightly closed.
2. In case of outdoor installation, cover the unit with a plastic
protective film.
Actuators equipped with electronic components
Long term storage of electronic components which are not in service
increases the risk of malfunction. This is not advisable.
If a long term storage is absolutely necessary, we strongly
recommend a revision of the electronic boards in our factory
before actuator usage.
This actuator features lifetime lubrication. While the device is
correctly mounted and sealed, no specific maintenance is required.
Test once a year the motor operation and make sure that the
electrical compartment is free from condensation.
If it operates in a wet atmosphere, this actuator includes an anti-
condensation heater to avoid condensation build-up.