Charging the digital pen battery
The digital pen is charged by docking it in the docking cradle that is connected to a USB port on
a running PC. The battery may be uncharged at the time of purchase. It should be fully charged
before use.
Dock the digital pen in the cradle. Charging will start, and the battery indicator on the digital pen
operation display will blink green to show that the battery is being charged. If the battery is
completely discharged, it may take up to 20 minutes for the battery indicator to blink green after
charging has started. If the battery indicator is still not lit after 20 minutes, reset the digital pen (see
section below) and start charging again. It will take approximately 2.5 hours to completely charge the
Pairing the digital pen with a device
When you want to send data from the digital pen via Bluetooth to a device, the digital pen must
be able to communicate with the device. When you pair your digital pen with your device, you
make this communication possible.
You pair your digital pen once. The digital pen remains paired when you turn it off.
You can initiate the pairing in two different ways; from the digital pen or from the device. To
initiate pairing from the device, see the user's guide for the device. To initiate pairing from the
digital pen, do as follows:
Make sure Bluetooth is activated on your device (see its user's guide).
Tick the Pairing box on the card that comes with the digital pen in the box. When the digital
pen has detected the device, a pairing dialog opens on the device.
Type the PIN code that comes on a sticker with the digital pen.
When the digital pen buzzes three times the pairing is ready.