Master Valve Setup: Select normally "open" or "closed" master valve based on your site setup.
Default setting is normally closed.
Offline Program: The ET Water controller can be programmed to run in offline mode so that it
functions like a standard con troller without weather-based updates. Offline programming in-
structions are available in the user manual that shipped with the controller and at www.etwater.
Test Dial: Initiates a connection to the ET Water servers. If you have made changes to
your landscape profile or watering schedule on the website after the regularly scheduled
call has occurred, you can use the TEST DIAL button to initiate a call to download the new
information immediately.After pressing the Test Dial button, the cell signal strength will
display. If the signal strength is sufficient, press ENTER to begin the connection. If the
signal strength is '99, ' press EXIT, wait two minutes, and press TEST DIAL again. During
the connection, the display screen will read "Contacting ET Water Attempting to Connect"
A successful connection message will display after the download is completed.
Check the screen display for error message.
FLOW FAULT: A Flow message indicates one
or more stations have reported high flow, low
flow or unscheduled flow. Check your email
for alerts.
MODULE FAILURE: A module (each module controls eight stations) within the enclosure is
reporting a malfunction. Use process of elimination – starting with module on the far right – to
determine which module needs to be replaced. Resetting the controller will retest all modules.
TRIAC BOARD FAILURE: Call 888-685-5505 for assistance.
CONTACTING ET WATER, ATTEMPTING TO CONNECT: The controller has lost its connection to the
ET Water servers. Press the reset button and test dial the controller
IMPORTANT: Power cycling the
controller (removing and reapplying
power after 5 mintues) can resolve
many temporary issues.
of the upper panel and power cycle the unit. Call ET Water Customer Support for additional
DIALING PROBLEMS: After pressing the "Test
Dial" button, you will see a display of the current
signal strength. A signal range of 10-32 should
be sufficient. A reading of 99 indicates no signal
and no call is possible. Check the antenna con-
nection and modem installation on the back