The display should read "Time has been set"
g. You must now set the MONTH, DAY, and YEAR and press ENTER after each entry
h. When finished, the display should read, "Date has been set"
You have successfully set the TIME and DATE of your controller
Edit Start Times: Selection 2 – Start times must be set before you create a program in Step 5.
You can set up to nine different start times. If more than one station has the same start time, they will
water sequentially. Note: *All stations have a default program of 10 minutes every day and are
assigned to start time 1. When creating your custom offline schedule be sure to keep this in
mind to avoid overlapping start times*
a. Select Edit Start times to create new start times or change existing ones. Start times are
assigned to a number between 1 and 9. If a start time hasn't been set then the assignment
number will say "Not Set".
b. To set START TIME #1, press the "1" button and press ENTER
c. You will be asked to SET START TIME of the selected number
i. Using the ARROW keys or NUMBER keys, input the desired START TIME starting with
ii. Press ENTER when complete. If successful, the display should read "Start time has
been set"
iii. You are brought back to the START TIME menu. If necessary, use the same
procedure to select and assign more START TIMES
iv. After setting the START TIMES, press EXIT to return to the Main Menu
v. Proceed to Selection 5 to Edit Stns.
Attention: Without a program set, your controller will not water.
Set Program: Selection 5 – Setting the program is where you assign the start times you created to a
station, and set up each station's program.
a. Select the station you want to program using the NUMBER keys.
b. Press ENTER
c. If you want to program or edit an irrigation schedule for a station, press 1 to EDIT Stn