8.1 Setting the Data Collector
Undertake the settings in the web server's sub-menus.
Note: After every change, click on the "Adopt" button in the menu to adopt
the new data.
Tab. 1 Overview of input screen for Data Collector (web server).
Click on the relevant fl ag to select the web server
Enter the current date and time.
Select language for the digital picture frame.
Enter the PV system's data.
Enter the PIKO inverter's name or serial number
preceded by "s" (e.g. s081230001). (On leaving
the factory (ex factory) the PIKO inverter is called
'namenlos' (which means no name).
Note: The IP address can only be used if the PIKO
inverter has a fi xed IP address (e.g. if you are using the
manual network confi guration in the inverter).
Enter password.
Note: The password set ex factory is "pvwr". If this has
been changed, the new password must be entered in the
"Password" box. Port1 and Port2 only have to be set for
remote retrieval via the Internet.
Enter bus address.
Note: Ex factory the Data Collector is supplied with bus
address 255 because the PIKO inverters also have this
address ex factory.
Set up sensors and assign to inverter. In the "Sen-
sors" pulldown menu, select the position number of
the inverter to which the sensor is connected.
Option: The Data Collector's name can be changed
in the "Name" input box.
Note: If the name is changed, this new name must be
used to access the web server (http://newname).
Option: The network can be confi gured manually.
Note: If confi guring manually ensure that the PIKO inverter
and Data Collector are in the same network (subnet) and
that there are no address confl icts (due to IP addresses
which have already been issued).
List of all data (confi guration, yield, status).