Medical devices entirely made in
Switzerland by Bien-Air Dental SA.
Electronic control for Bien-Air Den-
tal micromotors. Brushless micro-
motors without sensors, with current
limiting function, check of torque
and speed.
Intended use
Product intended for professional
use only. Use in dentistry for prophy-
laxis, general dentistry and endo-
dontic work.
Technical data
Class IIa in accordance with Euro-
pean Directive 93/42/EEC concer-
ning medical devices.
102 x 58 x 34 mm
approx. 150 g
32 Vdc ±10%
For device references, see fig. 2 7
and 8. MX system: consists of an
MX motor, 4VX hose, and DMX-S
electronic control.
Current limitation:
Micromotor MX: 4.2 A
Transformer nominal power
60 VA, peak power 120 VA
Main functions and controls
• Pneumatic control.
• Electric control by analogue inputs or digital interface (RS-232, RS-485)
• Control with up to two MX motors (using Dual Motor Switch REF 1500554)
• Control with up to three solenoid valves (EV) for cooling air and air/water spray.
• The system variable parameters are as follows:
- Speed range 100 - 40,000 rpm (maximum torque of over 3.0 Ncm available across the full speed range)
- Progressive or ON/OFF mode speed adjustment
- Maximum torque adjustable from 10 to 100% in 1% stages
- Brightness control (16 settings) or light ON/OFF
- Reversal of rotation direction (clockwise/anti-clockwise)
- Selection of 'Endodontics' modes:
- Auto-reverse mode: direction of rotation reverses automatically as soon as the torque limit is reached
(adjustable from 10% - 100% of maximum torque).
- Auto-forward mode: direction of rotation reversed as in auto-reverse mode, in addition, the motor
switches automatically to clockwise operation after an adjustable period of anti-clockwise rotation
(from 0 - 5 seconds).
Connectors and wiring diagram
see fig. 1 (cover) and fig. 2 (page 2).
0 Feed voltage
1 Motor and light
2 Solenoid valves
3 Analogue inputs
4 DIP switches
5 Air pressure sensor
6 Light adjustment
The general wiring diagram shows
all the main connections of the com-
plete MX system.
The connections actually required
depend on the integration of the MX
system in the unit and the desired
functions. The table page 16
describes the main characteristics
of each connection described in the
wiring diagram.
For more information on integrating
the MX system in the dental unit,
examples of integration and techni-
cal support, please contact your
Bien-Air Dental dealer.
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